Updated March 31, 2024

MetroParks Monthly: Programs & Events for April

Below you’ll find a list of programs and events for all ages, from children to life-long learners, in addition to MetroParks must-dos, sustainability tips and information on what’s growing in the parks this month.

Take a deeper dive into your areas of interest by signing up for MetroParks’ email newsletters and following Five Rivers MetroParks on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.


Active Outdoors

Youth & Family

Adult Nature Exploration

Earth Friendly Living

For Everyone

  • Paint-A-Park: April 7 – 2 to 5 p.m. at Englewood MetroPark

Special Events:


Daytonians are in for a celestial spectacle on April 8, as the total solar eclipse is best viewed in our region. Why? Because Dayton geographically falls into what is called the “path of totality.” According to NASA, Dayton will experience just over 2 minutes and 30 seconds of darkness beginning at 3:09 p.m.

The best part about being in the path of totality is that you can best watch the eclipse from wherever you happen to be, whether it’s at home, at work or at school. Another great option is to head to the National Museum of the United States Air Force for an entire day of free fun.

Visit metroparks.org/eclipse for more information.


Visit the 2nd Street Market this April for a variety of fun, Earth-friendly activities. On Thursday, April 11, the Market will host a special evening shopping event, Sunset at the Market, in celebration of Earth Month. MetroParks’ Animal Ambassadors will be at the Market from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Visitors can also participate in a sustainability scavenger hunt and other activities while they shop or grab dinner.

The annual Carolyn Kimes Tree Seedling Giveaway returns on Saturday, April 20, and Sunday, April 21, during Market hours. Help the environment and celebrate Earth Day by selecting free tree seedlings for you to take home and plant (while supplies last). Wrap up the month at the Global Artisan Market on April 28. Enjoy music, culture sharing and artisan wares to kick off the spring shopping season.

Related  2nd Street Market hosts free wellness programs, seasonal and cultural happenings

For more information on 2nd Street Market events and hours, visit metroparks.org/localfood.


Get outside and make a difference in your community in just three hours at Adopt-A-Park, MetroParks’ annual Earth Day celebration. Adopt-A-Park is on Saturday, April 20, from 9 a.m. to noon. Individuals and groups of all ages and abilities are welcomed. Volunteers will be assigned to a crew that will tackle various projects in sections of waterways or MetroParks. View available projects and sign up today at metroparks.org/adopt. Registration is required.

Adopt-A-Park is sponsored by Montgomery County Environmental Services / Keep Montgomery County Beautiful and QEI Engineers.


It’s gardening season! Do you want to garden but don’t have the land? Five Rivers MetroParks helps thousands of residents without land of their own grow fresh, traditional produce and nutritionally rich foods. Large garden plots are available to rent on an annual basis at both Possum Creek and Wegerzyn Gardens MetroParks. These plots will be available to the public starting April 15. Learn more at metroparks.org/communitygardens.


The transition from winter to summer has already begun at RiverScape MetroPark and summer programs officially start in May. Be sure to watch the RiverScape Facebook and webpage on MetroParks.org for exciting announcements in the coming weeks, including the Summer Music Series lineup, fitness class schedules, and new events and programs.

Summer Music at RiverScape is sponsored by Jack W. & Sally D. Eichelberger Foundation and Enterprise Roofing. Fitness in the Park is presented by Kettering Health, with additional support by McGohan Brabender.

Monthly must-do in your MetroParks

  • Look for animal tracks in the mud: Spring rain leads to muddy parks – perfect for spotting animal tracks. Hike your favorite trails and see what animal prints you can find.
  • Plan a spring picnic in a garden park: Grab your favorite snacks and head to Cox Arboretum, Wegerzyn Gardens or Aullwood Garden MetroParks for a pretty spring picnic.
  • Nature play: Check out the Nature Play areas at Cox Arboretum, Hills & Dales, Possum Creek, Sugarcreek, Wesleyan and Englewood MetroParks. These outdoor areas provide an opportunity for kids to explore, run around, count bugs and use their imaginations in unstructured ways.

Sustainability Tip:

Textile Day at the Carriage Hill Historical Farm is Saturday, April 27. Even if you can’t join staff and volunteers to learn about historical textiles, you can get in the spirit by repurposing old clothes that may not be in good enough shape to donate. Use this fabric for crafts, new clothes, dog toys, napkins, cloth baskets and more. This article from Good Housekeeping has even more ideas to explore.

We suggest skipping fast fashion, too. These clothing items are often poor quality and will end up in a landfill. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, the fast fashion industry is a significant contributor to the climate crisis, responsible for as much as 10% of global carbon dioxide emissions.

April Challenge: Celebrate Earth Day weekend

This year, Earth Day is on a Monday, but there are lots of events at your Five Rivers MetroParks the weekend before to help you celebrate. Check out some of these activities:

Please note: Programs and events with limited capacity may fill quickly; however, in some cases waitlists are available. Please contact 937-275-PARK to inquire about being placed on a waitlist. Additionally, programs may be cancelled due to a variety of reasons – including weather conditions – please check our online calendar to check the status of a program or event before attending.

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