Amenities & Access

MetroParks provides amenities that make it easy to experience the outdoors.

Playground build at Wesleyan

It is MetroParks’ policy to keep 90 percent of the nearly 16,000 acres of land we protect in a natural state. What about that other 10 percent?

This portion accounts for all the investments necessary for you to enjoy these amazing places. They include amenities for you to connect with nature, such as picnic shelters, campsites, fishing ponds, play areas and more. They also include opportunities to seep yourself into nature, with hiking, biking, horse, and river trails, and the trail heads and river put-ins to launch your trip. Creature comforts such as restrooms, running water and shady places to sit make your park experiences more pleasant. Information kiosks, signs and maps help you navigate your MetroParks and learn more about the flora and fauna.

Providing these amenities helps MetroParks meet its mission to protect the region’s natural heritage and encourage outdoor experiences that inspire a personal connection with nature. MetroParks protects land to keep our local environment healthy but also to make it available for you to enjoy.

By building access, comfort, convenience and safety into the special places we protect, MetroParks is building a community of park users rooted in valuing our environment. MetroParks also is developing future conservationists by helping you experience diverse habitats, interact with wildlife and create lasting bonds with our natural world.

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