Garden Plot Rental
Grow your own food while sharing knowledge with other gardeners. Registration is closed for 2024.
Five Rivers MetroParks helps thousands of residents without land of their own grow fresh, traditional produce and nutritionally rich foods. You can be part of this growing movement! There are three easy ways to become a community gardener.
Rent a plot in a MetroPark
New for 2024: MetroParks staff will be available at the Wegerzyn Community Gardens on the following days and times to help orient gardeners to plots, distribute vehicle hang tags and assist with general questions:
- Saturday, May 4, 8 a.m. to Noon
- Monday, May 6, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Thursday, May 9, 8 a.m. to Noon
Hang tags will be mailed to anyone who cannot make it out to these dates.
Large garden plots are available on an annual basis at two Five Rivers MetroParks: Possum Creek and Wegerzyn Gardens.
- Standard seasonal plots are 400-800 square feet each and cost $20 per plot annually (May-Oct.).
- Wegerzyn Gardens has organic plots that are available both seasonally and year-round. Gardeners must abide by organic gardening principals and use only products that are on the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) product list. Plots are approximately 20 feet by 40 feet. Select 20 feet by 20 feet (approx.) plots are available for beginning gardeners. The cost is $40 per year per year-round plot (April-April), $20 for seasonal organic plot (April-Oct.).
- Gardeners are responsible for watering, weeding, pest control and harvesting of their plot.
- Please review the Community Garden rules for park before renting.
With the rental of a plot, gardeners will receive an initial tilling of the soil and access to water. Both community gardens are patrolled by the Five Rivers MetroParks rangers. Rental fees help defray the costs of tilling, staking, providing water and administration. No refunds are given.
Connect with an existing neighborhood community garden
More than 90 community gardens are managed, maintained and owned by local neighborhood residents and organizations throughout the Dayton region. Five Rivers MetroParks provides many forms of ongoing support to these groups, including soil amendments and tilling, training and consulting, seeds and plants, educational materials and workshops and lots of encouragement. See below for a map of existing community gardens:
Start your own community garden
Five Rivers MetroParks is always looking for people who are passionate about starting a garden. If you would like to get involved in your neighborhood, call (937) 275-7275. Learn more about our community gardening resources by visiting the community gardening section of this website.