Natural Adventures Boxes
Engage children of all ages in exploring the natural world
Four Natural Adventures Boxes are available for public use at MetroParks throughout the region. These adventure boxes are designed to help facilitate self-guided park visits for groups of children of all ages. Participation in the Natural Adventures Box program provides access to the on-site box of tools, allowing childcare centers to schedule field trips without having to worry about the volunteer naturalists’ schedules. This program helps childcare centers get away from screens, having authentic hands-on experiences outdoors in natural areas, while also promoting active lifestyles. For more information, please check out the video and training manual to the right.
Natural Adventure Boxes are located at Englewood, Germantown, Sugarcreek and Wesleyan MetroParks and include nets, containers and guides. They are available for use from June to August.
Reserve a Natural Adventure Box online
There is a $5 fee to reserve and use a Natural Adventures Box, which helps to replace well-worn or broken materials over time. Boxes are available for use from June to August. All boxes are locked with a combination lock, which changes regularly. Renters will receive the code when they pay for their reservation.
Check availability and reserve now!
Attend a training session
One 3-hour training will give child-care providers the resources and knowledge needed to get kids outside and exploring this summer. This training, called Growing Up WILD, is a nationally recognized curriculum of nature-based activities for preschool-aged children. Training sessions are recognized by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and are Step Up to Quality approved. These training sessions will also provide practice using the Natural Adventures Boxes and a curriculum guide to help guide box use. Watch our program calendar for upcoming training sessions.