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Autumn Gardening at Home

Published October 20, 2022

With fall just beginning there are lots of gardening tasks to be done to put your plants to bed and get ready for next spring. Below are some ways to enjoy your garden and keep things looking good for the season: Watching and Listening September is the time to watch our pollinators (butterflies, bees, hummingbirds) […]

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Autumn in Your MetroParks’ Gardens

Updated October 20th, 2022

Winding down, cleaning up, getting ready. Gardening season isn’t over yet! Fall is the time to begin preparing for winter and spring in the garden, but there’s still so much beauty to enjoy. Some annual blossoms are fading, while others like geranium, marigolds and begonias still look fantastic. Don’t forget to save some marigold seed […]

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June Tips for Growing Tomatoes

Updated June 22nd, 2022

Tomatoes are a favorite in most gardens and kitchens in summer, and June is not too late to get larger plants in the ground and growing. Pick one or two favorite varieties of different types—beefsteak, paste, or cherries—and enjoy the anticipation of that first warm tomato harvested from your very own garden. In our MetroParks […]

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Summer in Your MetroParks’ Gardens

Updated June 22nd, 2022

It has been a hot, steamy June so far, but the gardens in your MetroParks are growing strong. Like many of you we’ve been enjoying the lush foliage and abundance of blooms that are the result of the recent rains. It’s been especially nice to seek out cooler feeling spaces. Whether in the shade garden […]

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Becoming a Garden Volunteer

Published June 15, 2022

Horticulture at Five Rivers MetroParks creates, maintains and preserves green space and habitats for pollinators and native plants, as well as educates visitors on sustainable gardening practices and local food production. Gardening volunteers at Five Rivers MetroParks support our horticulture and education staff in caring for a variety of gardens throughout our parks. These gardens […]

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