Updated June 22, 2022
June Tips for Growing Tomatoes
Heads up! This article was last updated 3 years ago.
Tomatoes are a favorite in most gardens and kitchens in summer, and June is not too late to get larger plants in the ground and growing. Pick one or two favorite varieties of different types—beefsteak, paste, or cherries—and enjoy the anticipation of that first warm tomato harvested from your very own garden. In our MetroParks gardens we are eagerly anticipating the first ripe fruits from the following varieties:
- Aunt Lou’s Underground Railroad: a pink beefsteak tomato
- Sunrise Bumblebee Cherry Tomato: sweet fruits with swirls of orange and red
- Mushroom Basket: large, lobed, funky shaped, but sweet tasting fruits
- Brandywine: A traditional favorite
As your plants grow you can try to temper your anticipation with these videos about maintaining your plants for optimum production.
Watch our video on tending tomatoes for planting and maintenance tips. This video from Ohio State University also provides lots of helpful advice.