Twin Valley Trail Challenge Camping Reservation

  • RULES AND REGULATIONS: Conditions of use are based on MetroParks Rules and Regulations which will be enforced at all times. MetroParks Rules and Regulations are posted at all facilities and on the web at For your own and other's safety and enjoyment, please be aware of these additional regulations: DAMAGES AND CLEAN-UP: Any damage to MetroParks property as a result of the permitted event beyond normal wear and tear is the responsibility of the permit holder. MetroParks will assess the damage and levy appropriate fines pursuant to FRMP Code of Ordinances. Damages and/or non-payment of fines may also result in a revocation of permit privileges. Campsite will be left in condition found by permit holder. Additional clean-up of the campsite required by park personnel will be billed at a rate of $25/hour. FIRES: Fires are permitted in designated areas. Fires must be fully extinguished at the end of the departure time. Do not bring firewood into the park or collect firewood in the park. Firewood provided by MetroParks. GRILLS: Tow-behind grills must remain on paved surface and any charcoal, wood, grease or drippings must be removed from park upon departure. Grills that are permanently installed at shelters are for use with charcoal only and the coals will be cleaned by MetroParks staff upon permit holder departure. TENTS: PRIMITIVE TENT CAMPING ONLY. SAFETY: Use knives and axes only under strict supervision. NOISE: No amplified music is allowed. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: No alcoholic beverages are permitted. TRASH: The permitted area must be cleaned prior to departure. Trash receptacles are provided. PARKING: Park in designated areas only. Driving to a campsite or shelter for any purpose is strictly prohibited including unloading and loading. Vehicles must remain in designated parking areas only. EMERGENCIES: For life threatening emergencies, dial 9-1-1 and emergency responders and a Ranger will be dispatched to your location immediately. For non-life threatening emergencies, call (937) 535-2580 and ask to dispatch a MetroPark Ranger to your location. By checking below I will defend and hold harmless Five Rivers MetroParks, its agents, officers, contractors and employees against any loss, property loss, property damage or personal injury during the term of this permit which is in any way connected with or arising out of the use or occupancy of this facility.

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