Public Records Request Form

If you need a copy of an accident or incident report recorded by the Rangers, you can obtain them at our records department.

  • While not mandatory, if you fill out this form it will help us provide the public records you are requesting in a more timely fashion. Anonymous requests accepted, but details must be provided as to what record(s) is being requested and where to send the information or when the records will be picked up.

  • Five Rivers MetroParks provides photocopies of public records according to the following schedule:

      • No charge for the first 20 pages of paper copies.
      • $0.05 per page for paper copies in excess of 20 pages.

    Copies of audio and video recordings can be made available. Price will be charged based on cost to the agency.

    Records mailed, faxed or emailed will be charged accordingly:

      • Fax: $0.10
      • Mail (#10 envelope): $0.50
      • Mail (letter size envelope): $0.75
      • Mail larger than a letter size envelope will be charged actual cost
      • Email: no cost

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