Published June 8, 2023
5,109.6 miles ridden on Bike to Work Day
Heads up! This article was published 2 years ago.
MetroParks’ Bike to Work Day, hosted at RiverScape MetroPark on May 19, was filled with flying flap jacks, live music, local advocacy groups and more. The results are in and your Five Rives MetroParks is happy to share that 349 cyclists collectively biked 5,109.6 miles to RiverScape MetroPark for Bike to Work Day festivities – that’s 14.6 miles average per rider!
Feeding nearly 350 hungry cyclists is a feat in itself, as is keeping the event waste-free. With help from Master Recycling volunteers, sustainability coordinator Tim Pritchard and the Foodbank, MetroParks was able to divert 65 pounds of waste from the landfill! Because cyclists enjoy their breakfast on compostable serve ware, much of the waste at the event is able to be composted by the Foodbank.
In addition to support from the Foodbank, dozens of volunteers helped support MetroParks’ recreation staff with registration, set up, serving food and more. Learn more about become a MetroParks volunteer.
You can keep cycling all year with help from MetroParks recreation team. Sign up for its monthly email newsletter and follow Get Out & Live on Facebook.
Those who are just getting started can find additional resources by reading this blog and checking out the links below.