Published January 17, 2025

Local attorney appointed to Five Rivers MetroParks Board of Park Commissioners

Left to right: Jessica Salem, Jessica Turner, Karen Hesser (MetroParks CEO), Bear Monita

Five Rivers MetroParks welcomes Jessica K. Turner to its board of park commissioners. Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas Probate Division Judge David D. Brannon appointed Turner on Jan. 10.

Turner will work alongside current board member Bear Monita (now vice president) and newly appointed president of the board of park commissioners Jessica Salem. Salem was appointed to the board in 2018 and has worked with Five Rivers MetroParks’ leadership on multiple projects and initiatives, including meeting critical needs of the public during the pandemic and MetroParks’ most recent levy, which passed last November.

“Serving the community on the MetroParks Board of Park Commissioners for the last seven years has been a wonderful experience and allowed me to support the agency’s mission to protect the region’s natural heritage and provide experiences that inspire a personal connection with nature,” said Salem. “Jessica is a welcome addition to the board and I look forward to working with her and Bear in this new role.”

Turner is a local attorney at Bricker Graydon LLP representing private and public clients in transactional matters. Her experience includes regulatory compliance, commercial contract negotiation, real estate matters, and transactional work for political subdivisions.

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A Dayton native, Turner graduated from Miami University where she earned a bachelor’s degree in mass communications and political science. In addition to her JD, she holds a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies and a Master of Laws in International Business Law.

Turner currently also serves on the Board of Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami Valley and the Advisory Board of the Miami Valley Urban League.

By Ohio law, Five Rivers MetroParks is governed by a three-member volunteer board of park commissioners who are appointed by the probate judge of Montgomery County. The board establishes all rules and regulations, approves developments and land acquisitions, and oversees all funds. Each commissioner serves without pay for a three-year term, with one member’s term expiring each year. Commissioners can be reappointed for successive terms.

Turner replaces Karen L. Davis, RN, BSN, MBA, who recently retired from the board after 28 years of service and leadership to Five Rivers MetroParks.

During her tenure on the board of park commissioners, Davis was very active in attending and participating in Five Rivers MetroParks activities, as well as representing the organization at many community events throughout Montgomery County. During the past five years, Davis served as president of the board.

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