Frequently Asked Questions

Woman in bike helmet

Why should I bike to work?
There are many reasons for biking to work:

  1. Reduce your carbon footprint
  2. Stay fit
  3. Save money
  4. Fewer traffic delays.

Learn more about the surprising benefits of biking to work (Forbes article).

Can I help promote Bike to Work Day?
Absolutely! You can help distribute posters, cards and we can arm you with the knowledge to inspire others on how to get involved with Bike to Work Day.

What is the best route?
The Miami Valley has hundreds of miles of paved recreation trails available to offer a comfortable ride to RiverScape MetroPark.

What if my employer won’t let me bike to work?
Find a new job – just kidding! Professionally approach your supervisor and explain the benefits biking to work can have on an organization, business and its overall morale. Study this list and get others from your office to join you!

What kind of bike do I need?
First, find a bike that you are comfortable and confident riding. Then select a bike that is designed for commuting or road riding. Local bike shops can help you choose a bike that is appropriate for your personal situation.

Consider the length of your commute and the average amount of items you would need to bring on your commute. Do you need a more aerodynamic bike for long commutes? A more comfortable seat or accessories like saddle bags, lights, mirrors, etc. Will you be riding in the dark?

My commute is too long, what if I can’t make it?
Many are deterred by the distance of their commute. However, you can still gain the health and environmental benefits of biking to work, by reducing your commute and biking partway. Check out our ideas to Park & Ride or Bus and Bike.

Can I ride on roads?
You must ride on roads or recreational trails. It is illegal to ride on a sidewalk within the Dayton City Limits. Remember to follow all traffic laws while on a bike. You are a vehicle while traveling on any surface street. Get familiar with our Ohio State Laws before starting your commute. View Ohio’s state bike laws.

I am a stay-at-home parent, work from home or am a student. Can I still participate?
Of course! National Bike to Work Day is about celebrating bike culture in our region and starting a movement to get more people using bikes as a means of transportation. If you don’t work outside the home, consider biking on errands, to the post office, park, school or grocery store. Get kids thinking about using a bike as more than a toy by biking to a destination like a playground or ice cream shop.

What is served for breakfast and what time do I need to be there?
FREE Pancakes, sausage, fresh fruit, Winans coffee, juice and City of Dayton Water served from 7 – 9 AM.

Do I need to sign up for the event?
You can save time and get to the pancakes sooner by pre-registering your ride. You will need to check-in when you arrive. The first 500 riders to check-in will receive a free gift. Pre-registration is not required and will be accepted on site.

Who is going to be there?
Everyone but you if you don’t show up! A variety of local bike shops, advocacy groups and clubs will exhibit at the event.

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