2nd Street Market
Vendor Interest Form
We'd love to see your business under our roof.
Thank you for your interest in vendor opportunities with the 2nd Street Market. We are looking for the most dynamic group of local professionals that work as a community to serve the market customer the freshest, most diverse, ever-changing menu of prepared and grown food item selections unavailable elsewhere in the region for consumption on-site or take-home that utilizes market products when possible.
Our mission is to support small, local entrepreneurs with a strong emphasis on food, agriculture, gardening and home decor in an atmosphere that provides a comfortable and inviting gathering place for the diverse population of the greater Dayton area. Vendor selection is based on how the business supports the Market’s mission.
The vendor selection process starts by completing a short form that asks for contact information and briefly describes your business. If space is available at the Market and if your product line fits with the Market’s mission and existing offerings, you may be asked to complete a more detailed application. Those applicants selected to be in the final phase of the process will be interviewed by a committee of MetroParks staff.
Fill out the vendor interest form below and write the next chapter of your success story.